Dental Implants
Dental implants are designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth which look, feel, and function like natural teeth. The person who has lost teeth regains the ability to eat virtually anything and can smile with confidence, knowing that teeth appear natural and that facial contours will be preserved.
The implants themselves are tiny titanium posts which are placed into the jawbone where teeth are missing. The bone bonds with the titanium, creating a strong foundation for artificial teeth. In addition, implants can help preserve facial structure, preventing the bone deterioration which occurs when teeth are missing.
Dental implants are changing the way people live. With them, people are rediscovering the comfort and confidence to eat, speak, laugh and enjoy life.
Our Doctors have received extensive training in a variety of dental surgical procedures, including implantology. They are abreast of the most current information on implant dentistry.
If, like many others, you feel implant dentistry is the choice for you, we ask that you undergo a clinical and radiographic examination. During these consultation visits, your specific needs and considerations will be addressed by our Doctors. Your questions and concerns are important to us and our team will work with you very closely to be certain you are well informed, that you understand all of your options and that your procedures are successful.
Dental implants are metal anchors which act as tooth root substitutes. They are surgically placed into the jaw bone. Small posts are then attached to the implant which protrude through the gums. These posts provide stable anchors for artificial replacement teeth.
Call our office to schedule an appointment today! (757) 425-1828
Comfort never looked so good!
Many people think that dentures have been left behind in the cosmetic dental revolution.Not just denture wearers but, unfortunately, a lot of dentists feel this way too.
This simply is not true! You and many others may think that because you wear dentures, you must sacrifice the look of your denture for the feel of your denture. Or more simply, because you wear dentures, you are destined to a life of dentures that present artificial and unattractive looking smiles.
Modern technology has helped to alleviate many of the sore spots from the past. Striving for beauty often used to mean sacrificing comfort. In the same respect, finding comfort was usually at the expense of a personal sense of esthetics. Technology has improved the quality, comfort and style of everything from automobiles,computers,TV and Hi -Fi equipment,watches, telephones, girdles, braziers, shoes, skin care, medicines, hair coloring,even personal grooming appliances in almost every facet of our lives. It only makes sense that dentures have also reaped the benefits of the many advancements in technology.
Gone are the days of the bulky and unaesthetic “George Washington denture”. Modern dentures bridge the demands for function, strength and esthetics without comprising your comfort.
We, your denture doctors, offer exceptionally natural, esthetic and individualized teeth for the best in cosmetics and function. Using a smile style guide, we work with you to design custom dentures that can help restore your natural, beautiful smile.
One of the most common complaints we hear from denture wearers is about the “false teeth” look, causing them to be self conscious about their dentures and consequently, smile less. This complaint is usually accompanied by shortcomings in the ability to chew and the overall discomfort they experience.
In other words, dentures that don’t look good, usually don’t feel good.Interesting enough,we generally find that a denture that looks better often feels better.
Typically, dentures are a replacement for missing teeth, not for teeth, and have always been conspicuously artificial in appearance. But now we can create a new dimension in the front and back of your mouth for your smiling and eating pleasure!
When it comes to dentures, excellence should almost go unnoticed. The better the dentures, the more natural and lifelike they appear.
Each set of our dentures is custom made just for you. The process begins with a series of detailed measurements taking into account crucial aspects of facial size and specifics of your individual mouth.
We use state-of-the-art design, equipment and materials that make our dentures fit as secure and comfortable for you as possible.
Call our office to schedule an appointment today. (757) 425 1828
Cosmetic Bonding
Dentists are constantly looking for ways to make dental treatment easier and less time-consuming for patients. It is all part of creating a good customer experience. After all, if you know that your dentist is recommending the right treatments at the right times, you can confidently return to them for your next appointment.
Dental bonding is a cosmetic technique that dentists use to repair teeth. It is fast and makes a visible difference. Here’s a few of your questions answered on the subject.
What is cosmetic bonding?
Bonding is the technique of applying a flexible, bonding material to a damaged tooth then hardens and protects it. While it does have cosmetic qualities that improve the look of teeth, it also is used to repair teeth in some cases.
Why would I need it?
Dentists can apply a cosmetic bond to a tooth if it is discolored or maybe chipped or cracked. Bonding can even be used to fill small cavities or gaps in teeth. This means that damaged teeth or fillings that are usually black and unsightly can be color-matched to your existing teeth. So it really can improve how your smile looks, as well as providing some protection against decay.
What does the procedure involve?
Cosmetic bonding normally only requires a single visit to your dentist. The bond is applied as a resin, of which there are lots of different types depending on the requirement. It is quite a skill applying the resin in the right shape for your tooth, so your dentist will usually apply it gradually, layer by layer. The resin is then hardened under a curing light – so in many cases, you do not even need a local anesthetic.
Contact our practice today to learn more about dental
bonding and how it can help reshape your smile.
(757) 425 1828
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A beautiful smile is the greatest investment you can make for your appearance. Tooth Whitening is a contemporary process that dramatically brightens and enhances the color of your teeth. Dr. Bredologos & Dr. Mendrinos, through the technique of Tooth Whitening, aspire to create whiter brighter smiles. Whitening could give your teeth a new lease on life! This form of Cosmetic Dentistry revives and rejuvenates teeth, brightening the patient’s smile and confidence!
Tooth Whitening has today become the most popular form of Cosmetic Dental treatment. Giving instant and vibrant results, Tooth Whitening is a fast and effective way to makeover your smile! Tooth Whitening can reverse the effects of excessive coffee, tea, red wine, soft-drinks, and tobacco consumption.
At the office of Dr. Mendrinos & Dr. Bredologos, we offer two forms of treatment to our patients. During a consultation with Dr. Bredologos & Dr. Mendrinos, they will propose the best form of Tooth Whitening treatment for your needs. The doctors will monitor all aspects of your Tooth Whitening treatment and work with you, as a team, to attain the results you desire!
In-Office Treatment – Our in-office treatment creates stunning, vibrant results. Teeth may be lightened six to ten shades within the one session and sometimes even more! After the preparation of teeth and gums, the gel is applied to teeth and activated by a special light. One hour later, your teeth will be whiter!
At Home Gentle Whitening Treatment – If you wish to whiten your smile, however you suffer from sensitive teeth, our Gentle Whitening Treatment may be the solution for you! The unique formula is gentle on teeth, yet still highly effective in creating bright vibrant results. This method involves whitening for 1 hour per day at home for 2 weeks.
Wouldn’t you like to find out what we could do for you?
Please Call our Office Today! (757) 425-1828
Veneers / Lumineers

Porcelain Veneers can give you the beautiful, dazzling smile you’ve always wanted!
Porcelain veneers are very thin pieces of durable ceramic that are custom made for you. They are bonded onto the front of your teeth to create a beautiful and dazzling smile. With this treatment, we can completely re-do your teeth and make them the color and shape you want. They are extremely stain-resistant, resisting stains better than tooth enamel, and they last for many years. They can be used to make your teeth straighter, whiter, longer or shorter, more squared or more rounded, younger-looking, or sexier. In the hands of an artist like our dentists, they can give you a smile that projects the image you want to project, can correct years of wear, chips, spaces between your teeth, or any of a number of other problems.
Would porcelain veneers be right for you?
Do you want to look more intelligent? More playful? Younger? We can give you a smile design that can do that for you. Yes, if you have any of the following problems:
- You’re tired of teeth that look dingy and worn, and want a beautiful, white, sparkling smile.
- Your teeth are crooked, but you don’t want to go through the hassle and discomfort of wearing braces for two or three years.
- Your teeth are poorly shaped, chipped, or cracked.
- You have severely discolored or stained teeth
- You have spaces between your teeth.
- The shapes of your teeth don’t blend with your face.
- You want to change your image, such as wanting to appear more confident, more intelligent, younger, more bold, or sexier.
Now you can have a new smile without removing tooth structure. LUMINEERS BY CERINATE is a painless, permanent cosmetic solution for stained, chipped, discolored, or misaligned teeth. LUMINEERS BY CERINATE is a porcelain veneer that can be made as thin as a contact lens and placed over existing teeth without removal of painful tooth structure* (unlike traditional veneers). Clinically proven to last up to 20 years**.
Find out if Lumineers treatment is an option for younto get the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted.
Isn’t it time for your own gorgeous smile?
Call our office to schedule an appointment today. (757) 425 1828
Invisalign clear braces are the newest way to correct many dental problems that used to require years of orthodontic work with metal bonded to your teeth. Invisalign clear braces use clear plastic aligners to straighten and space teeth correctly. Invisalign clear braces can correct:
- Crowding Problems
- pacing Problems
- Crooked Teeth
- Malocclusion (Bite Problems)
In the past, the only way to straighten your smile was to have traditional metal braces with brackets and wires bonded to your teeth. This would limit the food you ate, cause soreness and irritation, not to mention self-consciousness or embarrassment about they way you looked and limit your ability to keep your teeth clean.
Invisalign clear braces solve almost all of the same problems traditional braces do, but they are clear, so nobody notices them, removable so that you can eat what you want, and brush and floss, and be very effective.
In fact, most adjustments made with Invisalign clear braces are complete in just about one year. Many teenagers and adults are turning to Invisalign clear braces to provide them with the smile they want, without some of the drawbacks of traditional braces.
The process of achieving a beautiful straight smile begins with an initial consultation with Dr. Mendrinos & Dr. Bredologos. During your initial consultation, Dr. Mendrinos & Dr. Bredologos will discover with you the results you want and the expectations you have.
Call our office to schedule an appointment today. (757) 425 1828